Monday, October 3, 2022

2022-10-02 Naha Day Trip

I don't like Sundays.

First, there is no newspaper.  Can you believe that Ketchikan Daily News actually delivers the paper directly to my boat?  I open the back door in the morning and the paper is there.  Except on Sundays.

The stock market is closed.

There is little or no new national or international news.

The library is closed.

The gym closes early.

I don't like Sundays.  Oh, I said that already.

So, this Sunday, when both the "regular" weather and the marine weather both were favorable I decided to make a day trip to the Naha.  Better to sit at the dock there than to sit in the harbor all day when the weather is good.

I pulled out of my slip at Bar Harbor a little before 7 AM in mostly cloudy but calm weather.  No rain.  We've been literally pelted with rain and wind for many days, so the lack of wind and rain was a welcome change.

The ride out was mostly uneventful.

Just before I turned north into Clover Pass it seemed the steering was a little "wonky" so I stopped briefly and added some power steering fluid to the system and that seemed to help.

There were only 3 or 4 boats trolling for salmon in front of Clover Pass.  I guess the run is over and many people are pulling their boats for the season.

I pulled into the Naha USFS dock just before 10 AM.  No one else was there so I got my preferred spot on the face of the dock facing Loring.


I took a shower and shaved, my normal Sunday morning ritual.  Then took a walk up the trail a ways.  Will not bore you with my usual mandatory shots of the rapids or of Roosevelt Lagoon.

The local seagull union was having a meeting to discuss my repeated visits to their dock.  I'm pretty sure the one on the branch above was the moderator of the meeting.  Not sure what they decided, if anything.

I just hung out for most of the day and read in my Kindle and played some guitar.

Around noon a small boat came in with 5 people on board and they immediately walked up the trail.

I wanted to get back before dark, so I pulled out about 3 PM and headed for home.

The ride back was uneventful, and I arrived back into my slip at about 6 PM.  There was a fairly brisk NW breeze blowing which always makes it a little tricky to get into my slip.  it's much easier in a SE breeze when the bow is facing into the wind.

It was a beautiful evening here in Bar Harbor.  The half-moon was very bright.  The camera didn't do it justice.

I logged about 41 nm for this trip.

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