Thursday, June 27, 2019

2019-06-14 Wrangell maintenance

I had previously scheduled June 17 - 19 at the Wrangell Boat Shop for annual maintenance that needs to be done on the boat.  The weather in Clarence Strait was considerably better on the Friday the 14th so I headed up there then, making it to Wrangell in one day.

My haul-out was not scheduled until Monday afternoon so I just cooled my heels waiting in the harbor over the weekend.

On Monday afternoon, right on schedule, they hauled the boat out of the water and into their shed.

They pressure washed the bottom right away in preparation for bottom paint the next day.

Here is the complete list of the work I had them do for me:

     Pressure wash the bottom
     Repaint the bottom
     Replace all external zincs
     Replace all internal "pencil" zincs
     Replace impellers for main engines
     Replace impeller for generator
     Replace glow plug and screen on diesel furnace
     Replace filter elements in Racor fuel filters
     Troubleshoot problem with shower drain

Whenever I have them repaint the bottom I always ask them to remove the props on the bow thruster and clean out that tunnel very thoroughly.  It is a very small bow thruster and it needs to be as efficient as possible.

Here at the Wrangell Boat Shop they don't use a sling method to haul the boats.  Instead they had a "cradle" that the boat sits in and then it is winched up inside the building.

I stayed on board during this maintenance session.  The boat was at a slight downhill angle but it was not prohibitive.

They had me plugged into shore power so the only inconvenience was that I had to use the bathroom in their shop, which believe me, is an experience all its own.

When they started looking at the drain problem they immediately found a filter on the shower drain pump which was totally plugged.  That solved the shower drain problem.  I still need to get a plumber to fix the control knob which is not mixing hot and cold to make warm.

They launched the boat as scheduled on Wed afternoon and I spent that night over at the transient dock in Heritage Harbor.

On Thursday morning I took off bright and early and made the run down to Ketchikan in one day.

So the annual maintenance chores needed on Faraway have been taken care of for another year.

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