Sunday, August 6, 2017

2017-08-04 Salmon fishing

It's getting that time of the year when our focus is on getting some salmon (mostly Silvers) for our winter supply.

So the trip this weekend was really a meat run, in that respect.

The crew for this trip consisted of myself, grand sons Tyler, Bryan, and step-son Steven.

The plan was to go north, start at Vallenor, and then eventually move into the Behm Canal area, around Grant Island.

The weather lately has been unusually hot, and that weather continued through this trip.

In fact it was so hot these guys decided to jump in and be pulled behind the boat.
At first I thought maybe the guy in the boat was trolling for Killer Whales.

The first day, Friday, we ended up with 8 fish.
6 were Silvers, and 2 were Pinks.
We also got a lot of under sized Kings that of course had to be put back.

We pulled into the Naha dock for the night.

Tyler and Bryan show off their catch at the Naha dock
We had a great evening there.
After filleting all the fish we set up the fire pit and the kids were able to roast S'mores on the camp fire.

There was a small skiff tied to the outside of the float when we got there, so I dropped Steven off and he moved it around to front (right side in this picture.)  The owners came down the trail a little bit later and looked a little confused to see their skiff in a different place, but the didn't say anything to us as they got in and left.

In the morning I had trouble with the generator - it was not pumping cooling water through.
I still need to deal with that issue.
So I had to use the back up Honda generator to cook breakfast.

After breakfast the kids went up the trail again, so we didn't get away from the dock until after noon.

We started trolling at Grant Island at about 1 PM.
The action was hot and heavy and the kids never had the chance to get bored.
Steven kept them hopping on the back deck, running 3 lines off of 2 downriggers.
We quit fishing at 3:30 PM, after getting 11 fish in all, 10 Silvers and 1 Pink.

We ran 2 1/2 hours to get home and then processed them right there on the dock near the slip.

I think it was a pretty successful trip.
Looking forward to getting some more fish.
It's time to bring the pressure cooker out of storage and get started on jarring up our winter supply.

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