Friday, September 9, 2022

2022-09-08 Salmon Fishing

I haven't posted anything since I got back from Sitka, but I actually have made a few day trips.

This is the time of year that I usually try to get in a good supply of salmon, usually Silvers, for my winter supply of fish.  However, this year is a little different, since I am homeless and living on the boat.  I don't have a big chest freezer to freeze and keep my catch as I always have had in the past.  I have a small 45-liter freezer on board, but it doesn't really hold much.

As I said, I made a few day trips in an effort to get some fish in but was largely unsuccessful.  By unsuccessful I mean I got a few fish but did not get into the fish like I usually do at this time of year.

That's why I did not post blog entries about those trips, as there was nothing very interesting to report.  I went fishing, caught one or two fish, that's about it.

One of my grandsons, Bryan, who now lives in Olympia, asked to come up and go fishing.  He and I fished hard for 3 days in a row and only got a few small fish - very disappointing.  Many many hours of travel time and trolling time for very little reward.

Bryan is 16 now and has a driver's license.

For comparison, here is Bryan in July 2015.

And here is Bryan now.

Quite a difference!

On Thursday 9/8/2022 I decided to make another day trip in yet another effort to find the Silvers.  I finally managed to find them, landing 6 nice fat Silvers in the space of about 4 hours of trolling. Of course, I will give most of the fish away since I really don't have room for it.  But it was fun to catch them, and I will give the fish to people who I know will appreciate it.

I have some engine maintenance coming up so I don't know if I will be able to make any trips until that is complete.  We'll see.

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