Monday, May 22, 2017

2017-05-14 Naha Day Picnic

Cristina and family had been wanting to get out to the Naha for a day picnic.
This is something we've been doing in the spring as a family for some time now.
We were supposed to go last Sunday but the weather was very bad so we decided to wait a week and try again.
For this week the weather forecast was somewhat gloomy, but this was really the only day we had available so we decided to go for it.

The crew for this trip was somewhat long -

Tyler - age 12
Luke - (Tyler's friend, age 14 I think)
Bryan - age 10
Aliyah - age 8
Scott - age 4 1/2 months
Bina - our dog
Bella - their dog

The rain held off until we were about a half hour out from the dock.
But once it started, it didn't quit.

This inhibited the photo taking, so I really didn't get any photos other than these two.

Luke, Aliyah, Bryan and Tyler

We went up to the covered picnic shelter and I set up our fire pit under the covered area.
This picnic shelter has a picnic table and a built in fire pit, but the fire pit is not under the cover, it is out in the open, so our fire pit worked better under these conditions.

I made several runs in the raft from the boat at the dock around to the picnic shelter area, which was easier than carrying all the food and supplies through the woods on the trail.

It was indeed cold and rainy, even though we were somewhat dry under the covered picnic shelter.

The women petered out earlier, making their way back to the boat where it was warm and dry.

We hardy guys stuck it out a little longer at the fire pit.

It was a good family memory, but would have been much more fun if it had been sunny and warm.

I was running from up above, but I heard some of the crew got a little bit seasick on the somewhat bumpy ride back to town.

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